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Copywriting Services & Communications Strategy

Does Your Copywriting Motivate Your Customers to take Direct Action?

In a business world filled with messages and media and news and stories and commentary and content and spam and fake-news, it is critical your prospects take Direct Action to commit their time and money, right now – else you lose. It’s that simple.

We Sell Direct. We Market Direct. We Mail Direct. And Communicate Direct. Inspiring people to do business with you – Direct.

When copywriting, words are important. And fewer is sometimes better. Mostly it’s about communication. But customer Action is best. It’s betterer the mostest.

Of course, words are words are words. There’s three the same in that sentence of six. But not all are equal. They must cohere to a magnetic message. A message that inspires action.

Today that action is often just a click of a mouse. Or the touch of a screen. In the past it was something more physical and time consuming. Often involving stamped addressed envelopes! So, would the messages of yesteryear perform better than the content of today? keeps its beady eye 👁 on the total landscape and on that question in particular – the tech, tools and trends of today as well as the technique, style and intelligence with wisdom, of the past.

Words that communicate need to express emotion. The emergent emotions will be bonded to the method with which the words manifest and materialize..

Sometimes they appear on computers. Sometimes on paper with fountain pens using ink from a bottle (“just how old are you?!” 🧓 – Office Manager, Memecasting).

Words on chalk boards like teachers in the classroom. Or on napkins like Silicon Valley 2000’s startup entrepreneurs while at a power lunch. Marker pens on magazines and photos, like Warhol and 60's pop-artists.

Occasionally Apple pencil with Procreate App (“what’s that Grandad? Cool technology?!!” 😎 – Office Manager, Memecasting).

Or quite often, with Surface Pen and Concepts App (“oh, now you’ve ruined it !” 😞– Office Manager, Memecasting).

We write words that inspire action. Words written on your behalf – directly to your customers – to motivate them to take action.

To be concise; our mission is: to influence your prospects and have them give you their business, today. Turning your prospects into your loyal customers. Then nurturing and tending to their loyalty, whilst they blossom into your new brand ambassadors.

All in the knowledge you’ve achieved this with the best ROI for your marketing buck and simultaneously smashing your targets.

And as you instinctively know, beating targets can only be achieved by making the most of every opportunity and squeezing every penny’s worth, right?

So, do you make sure every effort has maximum leverage applied?

Or …

Are you leaving Money On The Table? ( £ $ €)

Having your prospects take direct action is getting more difficult every year. Even though it is theoretically easier than ever for your prospects to ‘click’ their way onto your CRM database, capturing them from the competitive noise and sheer volume of today’s media platforms, can prove near impossible.

As we have been reporting in recent years, we believe there is money left on the table, with prospects that have found you whilst in a buying mode, but for whatever reason, failed to complete a transaction.

Those with money to spend are targeted by marketers ever more aggressively, so your competition is fierce. You can’t afford waste. Let alone inaction.


If you sell Lifestyle, Premium, High-Tech or Luxury goods or services, beware this mistake that’s potentially costing you substantial revenue.

In fact it gets worse because if you are operating a lifestyle or premium brand, then you are actually encouraged by some specialists (marketing consultants, brand specialists, and academics who’ve never sold a single thing in their lives) to intentionally make it ‘hard work’ for your customer to buy. Exclusivity. Rarity. That’s their logic (?) By limiting supply and ease of access. Well we say – Good Luck With That!

Your market share is being eroded by those who CAN supply and do supply it NOW. And this ‘old fashioned’ approach to Luxury, we believe, will all but die out, except for the 0.1% ultra luxury brands. The Millennial of the future putting up with excessive waiting? … or missing out on instant gratification? … not likely!!

Which leaves us with an opportunity. You have prospective customers that you can convert into loyal clients, right now, if you know how.

Isn’t ‘Direct Speak’ just for the Discounters and High Street Brands?

In the not-so-distant past, successful multinational companies like American Express™, worldwide publishers like Newsweek™, respected newspapers like The Wall Street Journal™, all grew their empires using Quality messages in their motivational direct marketing and direct response. They did it with energy and a passion for getting customers to take action.

The medium was printed paper - Gutenberg style. The paper white. The ink black. The format, Simple.

Respected brands promoting through direct mail included;

You might even remember some of them!

But in today’s 21st Century, these words are online and the focus has moved toward Quantity. The more popular term of course, is 'Content'. Content that often proves to be just ‘filler’. Or clickbait. Investigating the marketplace, this content can only be heard as ‘noise’. And is just what happened to the telesales world. Ruined by the bad operators chasing Quantity.

And now with AI, that volume is easier than ever to produce.

Is this the dominant strategy for the foreseeable future - quantity over quality? More words? More frequency? More quantity?

What do you think will work best during 2023 & 2024? Quantity or Quality?

Many of our clients agree with us when we suggest that modern communications have become increasingly devoid of any decipherable core message, never mind one with purposeful direction and focus – which means the marketing time, effort and money you’re expending isn’t as effective as it could be. People just don’t have the attention span to work out your message. And nor should they have to.

In the Olde Worlde days of the 20th Century, Old Skool writers would also write words that helped companies and people sell and promote their stuff and ideas. It wasn’t communication by technology. There were no 'bots'. Indeed, there were not many ‘bits’ until the end of century – unless you worked at University or IBM.

The currently ubiquitous initials AI had, at least for the creatives by the end of last Century, become reference to Adobe’s Illustrator™ Graphic Software, yet those working nearer the beginning of the same Century, had used the same initials to refer to Anus Injection - a reference hopefully confined to the medical profession. ⛢

All these changing codes and acronyms!

And no, don’t be cheeky! - we weren’t copywriting with Morse Code -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . / -.-. .-.. . ...- . .-.

We did however, use strong and specific communications with laser focused 🎯 messaging to encourage people to take action (and that’s before lasers were even invented).

When taking ACTION involved much more effort than a mouse click.

How much effort was required for responders to process their reply, in these paper years of the past? Was it as easy as a mouse click? No, it wasn’t. It took considerably more motivational influence to induce a customer response.

Because we wrote these words longhand on an old medium called paper. 📝 This paper was made from trees - imagine that you Gen Y’ers! And this paper was shuffled around the Country by real human beings. In fact, that was their job - delivering words on paper. They were called postmen and postwomen.

Often, these words were written on multiple sheets of paper, alongside articles of news. Those collated pieces of paper were called news-papers and many people read a news-paper during their commute to work. And in the 70’s, a days work sometimes solely consisted of reading the newspaper!

Newspapers contained words and messages other than news, too. All these messages had to be written. Mostly, longhand. Definitely without AI – no artificial intelligence or anal injections were required. Likely not desired either.

We wrote and we printed. And in doing so …

We advertised. We promoted. We sold. We recruited. We educated. And informed. And if we were any good, we even entertained.

These words printed on paper could be read at your leisure in any place and at any time. Sometimes that was on the loo (for non-Brits, please read bathroom, washroom, crapper, lavatory, dunny or bog). You could read without requiring electricity. Without batteries to charge. These tangible paper items, when produced and written well, would have gravitas. ⚓ They held one's attention. Made a deep connection. Then compelled you to a physical action.

An action like writing your name and address in a box at the bottom of the page - a request for more information - the physical tearing the corner of the page from the publication, finding an envelope ✉, addressing the envelope, stamping the envelope and posting in the postbox.

[Def. Oxford English Dictionary - posting [verb] (BRITISH) : send (a letter or parcel) via the postal system. For our cross-Atlantic partners, please read ‘pay the postage’ … and … ‘mailing in the mailbox’.]

So yes, it was quite the task. But through your actions, you were sure of your decision. The copy was in no doubt. The message was loud and clear. Powerfully communicated. It would be worth every bit of the effort.

All. So. Satisfying!

And then the waiting. Did we mention the waiting? There used to be a lot of waiting! ⌛

First, waiting for your post to reach its destination. Then waiting for your item to be processed by human hands (often taking weeks – or months if Unions were striking). More waiting for the return post to weave its way back to your address. Without you knowing where you were in the process; until one day, your reply or your goods dropped through your door's letterbox, unannounced. 📫

The anticipation. The discipline. The patience. A common trait that almost certainly helped humanity curtail some of its selfishness. You learned to be patient, which is a good life skill to have. You learned this in your childhood when Christmas 🎄 time approached. One of 2 times per year you were forced to appreciate patience. Once on your birthday and then the period before Santa’s visit. An excitement you could just about contain but knew if you messed up and found yourself on the naughty list, you’d potentially finish empty-handed. Same went for complaining about the postal service!

Now we’re not advocating going back to the past. Nor making things slower. But we wonder if patience has been so seriously eroded with instantaneous e-mail and messaging and buying cycles, that the only thing we cater for these days is a ten second dopamine rush from the click of the mouse and the sale process itself, rather than the end product? How much ‘stuff’ just sits unopened in the corner of the room?

Is it really just as simple as 'Click Here'?

And is all this ‘instant’ making us happy?

[Not according to most social scientists and phycologists. On the contrary, society’s addiction to instant gratification and self indulgence appears to be correlated to unhappiness and some acute mental disorders.

“Instant gratification behaviours can create problems by changing our brains … leading to destructive financial, social, and health outcomes” , posted 14 September 2019, Psychology Today by Austin Perlmutter, M.D., a board-certified internal medicine physician and the co-author of Brain Wash. ]

Is this change reversible? ↷

The early 2020’s brought about significant changes. The pandemic may have permanently shifted our focus and altered the balance with the important things in life. A refocusing on more traditional values.

And as we progress through the 2020’s, slowing down and cleaning up our communications would also be welcomed. Favouring communication that’s effective. And gets actioned. The very core of our purpose at Memecasting is - making each communication a meme so strong, it is remembered for the delivery as much as the message content. A message with values.

Values like effective QUALITY 💎 communication - inducing action. With words that influence. Messages that lift you up. Communications to inspire you. Energizing you to go do something today. Right now.

And whilst we’re on the subject of the right now…

… what would you like YOUR CLIENTS to get inspired about?

What do you want YOUR CUSTOMERS to feel great about?


How do you engage with them so deeply, they only want to work with you, buy from you, partner with you, and will happily wait, exclusively for you. (There’s that Christmas feeling again!)

How can you do all that? Well, if you’ve read this far, we think you know the answer! Please dial right now +44 (0)_1234_63 77 97 or email

Casting outbound trending memes to win you the best customers with skilful design and copywriting.

B2C Hard-Working Words for Consumer Goods, Lifestyle, Technology, Designer Homes, Interiors and Spaces.

If you’re helping make the world a more attractive place by designing your retail customer home interiors and home furnishings or by supplying your hi-tech designer goods, high-designed furniture, designer interiors and luxury spaces, then our services will help you reach your customers. Working closely together, our experience across disciplines will help you design a full spectrum, integrated strategy from basic concept to realized design and implementation. Strategy and Copy for direct mail, direct sales, advertising, branding, consumer research and analysis, market research, segmentation and target customer strategy.

If it can’t be written down accurately, it can’t be sketched visually. Without a sketch of the vision, it can’t be fully defined. Without clear definition, it has no chance of being correctly realized in physical reality. Therefore - if it looks and sounds like a dream, it IS a dream. And your customers will think so too.

Talk with us today about communicating your next big idea, your newest product launch, your upcoming seasonal sale, or discuss how to grow your customer base and win more sales. By taking direct action. Call +44 (0)_1234_63 77 97 right now.

B2B Hard-Working Words for Technology, Engineering and Design, in Automotive, Transport, Production/Manufacturing, FMCG, Industrial, Consumer and Luxury Goods.

If you’re a business focused on helping other businesses, then you need to understand end-to-end communication in your messaging. That means understanding both your customer AND their customer!

This message may be focused on problems associated with topics such as UX, UI, VR, AR, AI and the immersive consumer experience. Or the design and branding of luxury and designer goods.

It could be the world of manufacturing and production, with industrial goods and services. Production lines, assembly robots and material handling. Just-in-time and Six-Sigma.

You may require Hard-Working Words for High-Tech Retailing, Consumer Goods and Electronics, the Automotive Industry, Transport Industry and Energy Industry.

If you Produce, Distribute, Sell or Service high-technology products or services to businesses, it’s highly likely we know just how to communicate your important subject matter in a favourable way for maximum return on invested marketing time and money .

Direct-mailing and promotions. Strategic e-mail campaigns. Or it could be selective traditional print media to support online activity.

Whatever the format takes, there are Quality words that boost bottom-line results better than any space filled with a low grade ‘content’ .



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